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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Executive Job Openings Jones Lang LaSalle Residential Private Limited

Exec­u­tive Job Open­ings In Jones Lang LaSalle Res­i­den­tial
Pri­vate Lim­ited At Bengaluru/Bangalore for can­di­dates with Good
com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills

Des­ig­na­tion Name: Exec­u­tive

Total Vacan­cies: 03

Firm Name: Jones Lang LaSalle Res­i­den­tial Pri­vate Limited

More Details about the firm:
Jones Lang LaSalle Meghraj is the Indian oper­a­tions of Jones Lang
LaSalle (NYSE: JLL), the only real estate money man­age­ment and
ser­vices firm named to FORTUNE magazine's "100 Best Com­pa­nies to
Work For" and Forbes magazine's "400 Best Big Companies".

Work Exp(in Years): 0 — 3 Years

Loca­tion of the Posi­tion: Bengaluru/Bangalore

Edu­ca­tion: Any Grad­u­ate

What is required from the candidate ?

* Bachelor's Degree
* 1+ Years of Expe­ri­ence in any indus­try / MBA Fresher's
Wel­come With Excel­lent Communication
* Pro­fi­ciency in MS Office applications
* Excel­lent Com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills

More about the Job Profile:

* Make pre­sen­ta­tion for cor­po­rate clients.
* Pre­pare list of prop­er­ties as per the client's require­ments
and carry out inspec­tion for the same.
* To look after the sales and mar­ket­ing which includes mak­ing
pre­sen­ta­tion to indi­vid­ual and cor­po­rate clients, explain every
aspect of the project, site inspec­tion, pre­pare reports and
orga­nize meet­ing with the direc­tors of the group for final
nego­ti­a­tion and closure.

How to Apply: Email ur cv to tushar.gaba(AT)

Con­tact Per­son: Tushar Gaba

Firm Web­site: